
ADAC Formel 4 Presse
9pm media GmbH & Co. KG
Daniel Schnichels
Mobil: +49 (0)173 99 20 828

Oliver Runschke
Motorsport- und Klassik-Kommunikation
Tel.: +49 89 7676 6965
Mobil: +49 171 555 6236

Kay-Oliver Langendorff
Leiter Partnerschaften, Kooperationen & Sponsoring
Leiter Kommunikation Motorsport & Klassik
Tel.: +49 (0)89-7676 6936
Mobil: +49 (0)171-555 5936

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29.05.2019 - ADAC Formel 4

Accreditation for ADAC Formula 4 at German Formula 1 Grand Prix

  • ADAC Formula 4 as part of the Formula 1 support programme at Hockenheim

Munich: The standout fixture of the 2019 ADAC Formula 4 comes on the weekend of 26th 28th July at Hockenheim when two races in this series for talented youngsters will share the billing with the 2019 Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix of Germany. Please note that these two races require separate accreditation, i.e. the standard ADAC Formula 4 / ADAC GT Masters media tickets will not be valid at the Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix of Germany. If you are planning to report on the ADAC Formula 4 races to be held within the Formula 1 framework, please submit your application for accreditation well in advance.

Representatives of national media (German print media, photographers, picture agencies, radio stations, online media) should kindly submit their application for accreditation together with the relevant documentation and validation using the attached form. Please state clearly when sending the form that you are seeking accreditation for the ADAC Formula 4 races. The deadline is 14th June 2019. The contact person for national accreditations is:

Martina Rathmann / KHP Consulting

Representatives of international media (international print media, German and international news agencies, photographers, picture agencies, online media) must submit their application for accreditation online via the FIA at The accreditation deadline is 27th June
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