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15.04.2023 - DTM

Online Broker IG Europe becomes Official Partner of the DTM

  • Team play in both securities trading and motorsport
  • Access to trading products in more than 19,000 financial markets globally

Munich. IG, a leading global online broker and fintech pioneer, will be the official partner of the DTM as of this racing season. The announcement was made by IG Europe GmbH and DTM brand rights holder ADAC during the DTM’s test and media days at the Red Bull Ring. The DTM season gets underway from 26 to 28 May at the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, and will comprise 16 races with 14 elite teams, six renowned brands, and thrilling motorsport between then and the finale at the Hockenheimring in Baden-Württemberg on 22 October. All races will be broadcast live on free TV by ProSieben.

“IG and the DTM share many common ideals. Like in motorsport, securities trading requires an experienced team and technology that functions smoothly,” says Eren Eraslan, Head of Germany at IG Europe GmbH. “We are proud to be the official partner of a brand as renowned as the DTM that is known far beyond Germany and are looking forward to the collaboration.” ADAC Motorsport Director Thomas Voss welcomes IG as a new partner: “Teamwork, speed and the right strategy are the key factors for success in both motorsport and trading. Which makes IG and the DTM a perfect fit. Alongside one of the world-leading online brokers, we are entering a new era of the DTM under the umbrella of the ADAC and are looking forward to a long-standing partnership with IG.”

As part of the partnership, the IG logo will be widely visible at the racetracks. At the end of the season, IG will be presenting a special award for the fastest pit stop among the DTM teams. The partnership will also involve an extensive presence on the DTM social media channels and on ProSieben.

The IG Group team has been providing global support for its customers in many ways with the latest technologies, a reliable infrastructure, and helpful support for 49 years. IG’s award-winning trading platform is trimmed for high speed and is subject to the highest safety standards.

About IG
The IG Group (LSEG:IGG) is an innovative, global fintech company offering dynamic online trading platforms and learning content. The company has been developing its technology, risk management, financial products, content, and platforms for nearly five decades, to meet the needs of its private and institutional customers. With the brands IG, tastytrade, IG Prime, Spectrum and DailyFX, the IG Group continues to develop their offering for the investor generation of tomorrow. Founded in 1974, the IG Group is a FTSE 250 company headquartered in London that provides its customers with access to around 19,000 financial markets via its subsidiaries in Europe, North America, Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Middle East. The range of tradable markets includes indices, stocks, forex, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and much more. With headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, IG Europe GmbH (the European subsidiary of IG Group) offers corresponding products under an umbrella regulated in Germany for European customers.
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Neuer Partner für die DTM: Der Online-Broker IG Europe

15.04.2023 - DTM

Neuer Partner für die DTM: Der Online-Broker IG Europe

Neuer Partner für die DTM: Der Online-Broker IG Europe

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Neuer Partner für die DTM: Der Online-Broker IG Europe

Das Logo von IG wird umfassend an den Rennstrecken zu sehen sein

15.04.2023 - DTM

Das Logo von IG wird umfassend an den Rennstrecken zu sehen sein

Das Logo von IG wird umfassend an den Rennstrecken zu sehen sein

Download 1.7 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
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Das Logo von IG wird umfassend an den Rennstrecken zu sehen sein

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