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09.07.2024 - DTM

DTM and FG Series launch pioneering collaboration to support the next generation of motorsport

Munich. The DTM and the FG Series, an innovative all-electric racing series with a groundbreaking concept, will work closely together in the future. The two organisations will pool their strengths to support the next generation of motorsport. The goal of the cooperation is to promote the development of motorsport in a sustainable and forward-thinking manner, and to offer talented youngsters comprehensive support in the process.

The FG Series, of which former Formula 1 and Formula E driver Nick Heidfeld is a co-founder, has set itself the task of reducing the financial obstacles standing in the way of those wishing to get involved in motorsport, and to make the sport more accessible and raise its profile around the world. The groundbreaking concept, which includes using one car for two championships (FG1 and FG2) forms a bridge between karting and professional racing series. The dual power concept, which includes two different performance levels, and two different drive types (rear and four-wheel drive) allow the FG Series to offer drivers comprehensive training for all the challenges they may face in the world of motorsport.

The joint mission: sustainability, promotion and innovation
The partnership between the DTM, which is now in its second year under the umbrella of the ADAC, and the FG Series is based on a deep-seated shared mission: the promotion of sustainability, the support of talented youngsters, and the introduction of innovative concepts in motorsport. For this reason, both organisations are keen to work closely together to achieve their joint goals and shape motorsport in a way that makes it fit for the future.

From 2025, the FG Series and its two championships – FG1 and FG2 – will line up within the framework of the DTM. In doing so, they will add to the entertainment on the track and enhance the sustainability measures already in place within the biggest European GT series. Furthermore, joint projects to promote youngsters and the implementation of innovative concepts are also planned. The integration of the FG Series in one of the most prestigious motorsport series in Europe and its strategic alignment underlines the importance and potential of the FG Series. The collaboration sees the DTM take on a pioneering role worldwide, as the first global motorsport brand to include the groundbreaking concept of the FG Series in its programme.

Thomas Voss, ADAC Motorsport Director, is impressed by the concept of the FG Series: “We believe this is the way to shape the motorsport of the future. The FG Series combines innovation with the promotion of youth, and complements our vision perfectly. It will contribute significantly to the further development of our platform, in regard to innovation, sustainability and digitalisation. The FG Series will also be a perfect training platform for the entire ADAC youth development programme, as it not only supports drivers, but everyone involved in motor racing through its comprehensive programmes and scholarships.”

Nick Heidfeld, co-founder and Sporting Director of the FG Series, adds: “I am delighted to have come full circle on a personal level through this cooperation with the ADAC. As a youngster, I benefitted from the way the ADAC supports youngsters, and we will now work together to promote and shape the next generation of motorsport. My path into Formula 1 and Formula E showed me how important not only talent and luck are, but also racing series capable of preparing you for the challenges you will face in professional motorsport. With the FG Series, we are now providing this wholistic training platform. The collaboration with the DTM secure sus our first strong regional platform, on which drivers can showcase their talents at established events on tracks that are relevant to them.

More detailed information on the development and structure of the cooperation will be announced in the coming months. Please visit the FG Series website for more information.

About the FG Series:
The FG Series is a global all-electric racing series with two championships (FG1 and FG2) and the world’s first dual-power race car, the FG-Twin. The races feature on the support programme for other series. The inaugural season of the FG Series will take place in 2025 and will comprise independent regional championships, each with 10 team franchises. The FG-Twin race car has a unique technical ability: it can be driven by one driver with limited power and then at full power by a more experienced driver. Thanks to this innovative concept, each racing event will feature 20 competitors in the FG2 championship with reduced power, and 20 drivers in the FG1 championship with full power.

The five core principles that embody the values of the FG Series are: Green, Groundbreaking, Good, Growth and Global. These values place the emphasis on sustainability in motorsport, with the constant desire to create more opportunities for talented people from all areas of the sport, to allow that sustainability to better unfold.
The FG Series is ready to offer motorsport fans around the world affordable, accessible, exciting and competitive single-seater races with green energy. It is the development route for racing drivers and teams from all regions of the world, allowing them to go head to head on the racetrack and perfect their skills in professional motor racing – both at the right circuits and in front of the right crowds.

About the ADAC and the DTM sustainability concept:
The ADAC and the DTM have taken on a pioneering role when it comes to sustainability in motorsport. Since 2023, the DTM has used a sustainable and environmentally-friendly fuel, made of 50% renewable components. In doing so, the DTM is making an important contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions. The DTM has set itself the goal of racing with a fuel containing no fossil components by 2026.
The DTM also promotes sustainability away from the racetrack at events that attract large crowds: together with water technology company BWT, the DTM has launched an initiative to avoid plastic waste at circuits. To this end, free water dispensers are installed in various areas, reducing the use of disposable bottles.

The free ADAC Pendlernetz app allows fans to share lifts to DTM events. This saves both the environment and money. Last year, the International Automobile Federation FIA recognised the app with the president’s sustainability award. Since 2024, the NXT Gen Cup – the only electric one-make cup in Europe on the circuit racing scene, which features a fully-electric racing version of the Mini SE – has been a permanent support series of the DTM.
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