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26.03.2024 - DTM

“Road to DTM” programme in the German Kart Championship (DKM)

  • Successful DKM driver receives a starting place in the ADAC GT4 Germany
  • Roughly half the current DTM drivers come from the DKM
  • DKM has been the talent factory in German motorsport for decades

Munich. The ADAC is strengthening youth development in the karting scene and expanding the successfully established “Road to DTM” programme to incorporate the top German karting series, the German Kart Championship (DKM), in the 2024 season. The “Road to DTM” offers a stringent youth development concept from karting to the pinnacle of automobile racing, the DTM, via ADAC GT4 Germany and the ADAC GT Masters. Furthermore, ADAC Stiftung Sport is considering supporting talented youngsters from the German Junior Kart Championship (DJKM) in individual cases. More than 140 drivers have already registered for the various DKM classes.

The DKM is the pinnacle of German karting and has often provided the starting point for a successful career in motorsport in the past. DTM champions Thomas Preining, René Rast and Marco Wittmann all started out in the DKM, as did talented young DTM drivers Maximilian Paul and Ben Dörr. ADAC e.V. is strengthening the concept and incorporating the DKM in its “Road to DTM” programme. At the end of the season, one driver will be rewarded for taking the next step in their career with a free starting place in ADAC GT4 Germany in 2025. From there, the best youngster in ADAC GT4 Germany receives a place in the ADAC GT Masters. The top young driver in the ADAC GT Masters wins a starting place in the DTM for the following season.

“By expanding the ‘Road to DTM’ programme to include the DKM, we are providing continuous support from karting through to the DTM. Almost half of the current DTM field started their careers in the DKM. With this programme, we are offering young racing drivers a great opportunity. We are looking forward to seeing a talented driver from the DKM in the DTM soon. However, a career in Formula racing is obviously also a big goal for German kart drivers, the ADAC and the whole of German motorsport. The ADAC also offers extensive support programmes for this,” says ADAC Motorsport Director Thomas Voss.

You can find more information on the DKM online at
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Die DKM ist die höchste deutsche Kartrennserie

26.03.2024 - DTM

Die DKM ist die höchste deutsche Kartrennserie

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Die DKM ist die höchste deutsche Kartrennserie

Der ADAC fördert ein Kart-Talent im Rahmen der

26.03.2024 - DTM

Der ADAC fördert ein Kart-Talent im Rahmen der "Road to DTM"

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Der ADAC fördert ein Kart-Talent im Rahmen der "Road to DTM"

René Rast startete seine Karriere in der DKM

26.03.2024 - DTM

René Rast startete seine Karriere in der DKM

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René Rast startete seine Karriere in der DKM

DTM-Champion Thomas Preining fuhr einst in der DKM

26.03.2024 - DTM

DTM-Champion Thomas Preining fuhr einst in der DKM

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DTM-Champion Thomas Preining fuhr einst in der DKM

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