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20.10.2023 - DTM

With Audi and Red Bull: Abt Sportsline reveals its 2024 DTM programme

  • Abt Sportsline will field two Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo2 next year
  • Consistency in the cockpit: Ricardo Feller and Kelvin van der Linde are the two drivers
  • The team from Kempten’s cars will sport the striking colours of Red Bull

Hockenheim. Before the curtain falls on this season, the most successful of all the active DTM teams has already announced its plans for the 2024 DTM. The team from Kempten in the Allgäu region of Germany is focussing on continuity and will start with two Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo2, Ricardo Feller (CH) and Kelvin van der Linde (ZA) in the popular racing series. Austrian drinks manufacturer Red Bull will also be represented on the high-profile DTM platform together with the Audi team.

“We are proud to be the first team able to present our full package for the next DTM season. Abt and Audi have been working together in the DTM for 24 years. You don’t simply end such a successful and good partnership, even if the general situation may change. The return of Red Bull on our cars as a partner is the icing on the cake and will give everyone in the team wings,” said Abt Motorsport Director Martin Tomczyk.

Red Bull first featured on an Abt Sportsline race car in the STW back in 1997 and was a partner of the Kempten-based outfit in the DTM from 2002 to 2018. During this time, the Audi team celebrated 27 race wins, 93 podiums and two titles with Mattias Ekström (S). Kelvin van der Linde (ZA) will be in his fourth DTM season with Abt Sportsline in 2024. “I feel extremely happy at Abt and my plan is for us to work together for a long time. The cooperation with Ricardo had been very good for the past two years. I believe we are one of the strongest driver pairings in the field,” said the 27-year-old South African. His Swiss team-mate Ricardo Feller added: “It was always my dream to race in the DTM, and to be in a team like Abt makes me extremely happy. Kelvin and I are a good duo. I hope we can be even stronger next year with Red Bull behind us.”

Franz Watzlawick, CEO Beverage Business at Red Bull – with more than eleven billion cans sold per year, the global leader on the energy drinks market – said of the involvement with Abt Sportsline in the DTM: “I am just glad that what belongs together is back together.”
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Abt Sportsline startet 2024 mit Audi und Red Bull in der DTM

20.10.2023 - DTM

Abt Sportsline startet 2024 mit Audi und Red Bull in der DTM

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Abt Sportsline startet 2024 mit Audi und Red Bull in der DTM

Abt Motorsportdirektor Martin Tomczyk ist stolz, bereits frühzeitig die Pläne für 2024 vorzustellen

20.10.2023 - DTM

Abt Motorsportdirektor Martin Tomczyk ist stolz, bereits frühzeitig die Pläne für 2024 vorzustellen

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Abt Motorsportdirektor Martin Tomczyk ist stolz, bereits frühzeitig die Pläne für 2024 vorzustellen

Ricardo Feller greift auch 2024 für Abt Sportsline ins Lenkrad eines Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo2

20.10.2023 - DTM

Ricardo Feller greift auch 2024 für Abt Sportsline ins Lenkrad eines Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo2

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Ricardo Feller greift auch 2024 für Abt Sportsline ins Lenkrad eines Audi R8 LMS GT3 Evo2

Kelvin van der Linde nimmt 2024 bereits seine vierte DTM-Saison für Abt Sportsline in Angriff

20.10.2023 - DTM

Kelvin van der Linde nimmt 2024 bereits seine vierte DTM-Saison für Abt Sportsline in Angriff

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Kelvin van der Linde nimmt 2024 bereits seine vierte DTM-Saison für Abt Sportsline in Angriff

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