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19.05.2023 - DTM

DTM winners celebrate on the podium with Ralf Schumacher sparkling wine

  • Schumacher Selection is new partner of the DTM
  • Successful cooperation with Ralf Schumacher’s vineyard also incorporates the ADAC GT Masters and ADAC GT4 Germany

Munich. The highlight at the end of any DTM races is the champagne shower on the podium. From this year, the top three can celebrate on the rostrum with sparkling wine from a former DTM colleague and Formula 1 driver. As of the 2023 DTM season, victories are savoured with the Schumacher Selection, sparkling wine from the winery of former Formula 1 and DTM driver Ralf Schumacher. The involvement in the DTM sees Schumacher expand his successful partnership with the ADAC. Winners in the ADAC GT Masters and ADAC GT4 Germany have celebrated their success with Schumacher products since 2019.

After a successful motorsport career, including six Grand Prix wins in Formula 1 and podiums in the DTM, Schumacher discovered his passion for fine wines after a visit to the Klet Brda winery in Slovenia. In recent years, Schumacher has continuously expanded the range on offer in the Schumacher Selection. Today, the portfolio not only includes white wines, but also red wines matured in oak barrels, sparkling wines and dessert wines. This year, visitors can sample Schumacher Selection wines in the paddock at selected DTM events.

“We have been working with the ADAC for a number of years. From this year, I am expanding my partnership and will now also be official sparkling wine partner in the popular DTM motorsport series from 2023. One goal is to make people more aware of my products. The partnership also means that the top three will celebrate the ‘traditional champagne shower’ – as has become familiar in Formula 1 – with my sparkling rose in what is the most emotional moment of any race, the podium ceremony. I am sure that one or two drivers will also enjoy it or take it with them for their team,” says Ralf Schumacher.

“Ralf Schumacher has been closely associated with the ADAC’s racing series for many years. As such, we are pleased to expand the long partnership to include the DTM and welcome Schumacher Selection as a new partner of the DTM,” says ADAC Motorsport Director Thomas Voss.

The DTM drivers will celebrate on the podium with Schumacher Selection sparkling wine for the first time at Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, the venue for the opening round of the season from 26th to 28th May. A total of 28 drivers will line up in the two races at the circuit to the southwest of Magdeburg.
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Die DTM-Piloten feiern ihre Siege künftig mit Schumacher Selection

19.05.2023 - DTM

Die DTM-Piloten feiern ihre Siege künftig mit Schumacher Selection

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Die DTM-Piloten feiern ihre Siege künftig mit Schumacher Selection

Mit dem Engagement in der DTM erweitert Ralf Schumacher die Partnerschaft mit dem ADAC

19.05.2023 - DTM

Mit dem Engagement in der DTM erweitert Ralf Schumacher die Partnerschaft mit dem ADAC

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Mit dem Engagement in der DTM erweitert Ralf Schumacher die Partnerschaft mit dem ADAC

Bei ausgewählten DTM-Events können Besucher die Weine von Schumacher Selection im Fahrerlager probieren

19.05.2023 - DTM

Bei ausgewählten DTM-Events können Besucher die Weine von Schumacher Selection im Fahrerlager probieren

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Bei ausgewählten DTM-Events können Besucher die Weine von Schumacher Selection im Fahrerlager probieren

Zum ersten Mal mit Schaumwein von Ralf Schumacher jubeln die DTM-Fahrer auf dem Podium in Oschersleben

19.05.2023 - DTM

Zum ersten Mal mit Schaumwein von Ralf Schumacher jubeln die DTM-Fahrer auf dem Podium in Oschersleben

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Zum ersten Mal mit Schaumwein von Ralf Schumacher jubeln die DTM-Fahrer auf dem Podium in Oschersleben

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