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16.04.2023 - DTM

Long-standing cooperation: DEKRA and ADAC extend their partnership to the DTM

  • International expert organisation to be responsible for technical acceptance in the DTM
  • Partnership in all professional ADAC circuit racing series

Munich. The DTM and DEKRA will be competing together. The international expert organisation and the ADAC, owner of the trademark rights to the DTM, have reached agreement on a long-term extension of their partnership. DEKRA will also be a DTM technical partner. The DEKRA experts will be responsible for technical acceptance in the DTM and the DTM Classic. The same applies for the ADAC GT4 Germany.

As an official partner, DEKRA also supports the race series named above, as well as the ADAC GT Masters and the Prototype Cup Germany. This means that DEKRA is a partner for all the ADAC professional circuit racing series; the DEKRA logo is visible on the numbers of the cars. “As a long-term partner for the DTM and the ADAC, it was self-evident that our partnership, which has endured for over 30 years, would continue in the new era for the DTM under the aegis of the ADAC,” says Guido Kutschera, Head of DEKRA Germany and Chairman of the Management Board of DEKRA Automobil GmbH. “We are delighted to apply our many years of motor racing expertise - combined with technological innovation - in the race events and we are looking forward to further cooperation.”

“DEKRA has been linked to the ADAC and its race series for many years and has been a DTM partner for more than 30 years. We are very pleased that DEKRA will be joining us to begin a new chapter in the DTM under the ADAC umbrella, expanding our partnership significantly. The technical expertise of DEKRA is a guarantee for racing safety in the DTM,” says ADAC Sport President Dr. Gerd Ennser.

DEKRA has been ensuring safety for nearly 100 years: founded in 1925 in Berlin, the Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V. (German Motor Vehicle Monitoring Association) has become one of the leading global expert organisations. The workforce includes more 48,000 employees in around 60 countries, on five continents. They deliver qualified and independent expert safety services on the road, at work, and at home. The portfolio encompasses vehicle inspections and expert reports for claims settlement, industrial and building inspections, consulting and training services, and the inspection and certification of products and systems, including those in the digital world, as well as temp work. The vision for the 100th birthday in 2025: DEKRA will be the global partner for a secure, sustainable world.
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DEKRA und der ADAC setzen ihre langjährige Partnerschaft fort

16.04.2023 - DTM

DEKRA und der ADAC setzen ihre langjährige Partnerschaft fort

DEKRA und der ADAC setzen ihre langjährige Partnerschaft fort

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DEKRA und der ADAC setzen ihre langjährige Partnerschaft fort

Das DEKRA Logo ist jeweils auf den Startnummern aller professionellen Rundstreckenserien des ADAC zu sehen

16.04.2023 - DTM

Das DEKRA Logo ist jeweils auf den Startnummern aller professionellen Rundstreckenserien des ADAC zu sehen

Das DEKRA Logo ist jeweils auf den Startnummern aller professionellen Rundstreckenserien des ADAC zu sehen

Download 3.18 MB - Auflösung: 4962 x 3308px
Download 3.18 MB

Das DEKRA Logo ist jeweils auf den Startnummern aller professionellen Rundstreckenserien des ADAC zu sehen

DEKRA ist seit über 30 Jahren Partner der DTM

16.04.2023 - DTM

DEKRA ist seit über 30 Jahren Partner der DTM

DEKRA ist seit über 30 Jahren Partner der DTM

Download 1.37 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
Download 1.37 MB

DEKRA ist seit über 30 Jahren Partner der DTM

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