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13.04.2023 - DTM

DTM continues to run on ServusTV in Austria and Germany

  • ServusTV official TV partner of the DTM in Austria
  • All the highlights on ServusTV Deutschland
  • Rights package also includes the ADAC GT Masters and ADAC GT4 Germany

Munich. The DTM will continue to be shown on ServusTV in Austria and Germany. The Salzburg-based private station has acquired a rights package for the next three years, covering all channels of distribution and including the ADAC GT Masters and ADAC GT4 Germany in addition to the DTM.

Austria has strong representation in the DTM 2023, with runner-up Lucas Auer, Porsche ace Thomas Preining, and the Lamborghini team Grasser Racing with Clemens Schmid and Mick Wishofer. Fans in Austria can cheer on their drivers in the thrilling DTM races live on ServusTV. All the races can be watched live or on catch-up on the channel of the official TV partner of the DTM in Austria. Viewers in Germany can look forward to watching the best moments from all the DTM races on ServusTV Deutschland, with 60 minutes of highlights being shown shortly after each race on Saturday and Sunday, on free-to-air TV.

The digital platform ServusTV On will be broadcasting the ADAC GT Masters and ADAC GT4 Germany in addition to the DTM races. All the races from the three series will be available there live and without charge.

The DTM will be in Austria this weekend. During the official test and media days, teams will be preparing for the season at the Red Bull Ring in Styria on 15 and 16 April. Then all the drivers will be returning to the Red Bull Ring to race from 22 to 24 September. The DTM gets the 2023 season underway at the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben from 26 to 28 May and tickets for all the races are available at
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Heimspiel am Red Bull Ring für ServusTV

13.04.2023 - DTM

Heimspiel am Red Bull Ring für ServusTV

Heimspiel am Red Bull Ring für ServusTV

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Heimspiel am Red Bull Ring für ServusTV

Alle DTM Rennen live oder re-live empfangbar auf ServusTV in Österreich

13.04.2023 - DTM

Alle DTM Rennen live oder re-live empfangbar auf ServusTV in Österreich

Alle DTM Rennen live oder re-live empfangbar auf ServusTV in Österreich

Download 1.28 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
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Alle DTM Rennen live oder re-live empfangbar auf ServusTV in Österreich

Rennhighlights auch in Deutschland auf ServusTV On abrufbar

13.04.2023 - DTM

Rennhighlights auch in Deutschland auf ServusTV On abrufbar

Rennhighlights auch in Deutschland auf ServusTV On abrufbar

Download 1.33 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
Download 1.33 MB

Rennhighlights auch in Deutschland auf ServusTV On abrufbar

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