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18.09.2024 - Central European Rallye

Central European Rally showcases concept for sustainable rallying

  • WRC rally, from 17th to 20th October, to set benchmarks for sustainable motorsport
  • Spectators experience the elite of the rally world in a responsible environment
  • Car sharing is rewarded – organised directly via award-winning “ADAC Pendlernetz” app

Munich. This year’s Central European Rally will once again demonstrate that motorsport and sustainability can go hand in hand. Based on experience gained during the inaugural event in 2023, the task force of experts for the WRC rally have developed a targeted concept for the event from 17th to 20th October. The goal of this concept is to reduce the CO2 footprint, as well as to establish a responsible waste management concept. Contributing to the concept for the first time will be so-called Eco Marshals, who will be on hand at spectator points. For visitors and fans, this primarily means an even more attractive rally, as they will experience the drama of the WRC stars going head to head in an environment that sets benchmarks in terms of conservation and sustainability. Information on the sustainability measures in place at the Central European Rally, including links to the car sharing app “ADAC Pendlernetz”, which has been acclaimed by the International Automobile Federation FIA, and spectator tips on how to behave responsibly can be found online at

The organisers of the 2024 Central European Rally have encapsulated the individual components of the sustainability concept in one central message: “Motorsport: Innovations for a better future”. The World Rally Championship itself is at the forefront of making this claim a reality. When the spectacular WRC1 cars do battle for world championship points, they are powered by a hybrid system developed in Bavaria and manufactured in Austria. The WRC is also leading by example when it comes to the stretches of route that require the combustion engine, as it uses sustainable fuels without fossil components. The fully-electric ADAC Opel Electric Rally Cup, which forms part of the support programme, is also perfectly suited to this innovative competitive environment.

Visitors and fans are part of the concept
The rally organisers’ concept includes measuring the CO2 footprint of the CER. The organisers are also counting on the fans to help ensure that this continues to decrease. For example, attention is paid to waste reduction, and the upcycling and recycling of materials in all areas. This also means that, as well as the usual reusable utensils, catering will also offer regional fare, thus avoiding unnecessary transportation. Large information notices regarding environmentally-friendly behaviour will also help visitors to contribute to the success of the concept. One central component is car sharing, which is once again an important matter for the CER in 2024. Not only does car sharing reduce CO2 emissions, but it also reduces the impact of traffic in the rally regions. The “ADAC Pendlernetz” will again be used for this purpose. This free app allows rally visitors to find other users, with whom they can travel together to the event. This will be even more precisely tailored to the event in 2024, and will also show the location of car parks and shuttle buses. As an extra incentive to use the app, a competition will be run, with attractive prizes up for grabs for those sharing lifts.

Important guiding principle from the organisers: Think global – act local
Sustainability means more than just classic conservation – something the organisers are keen to emphasise with their focus on social and regional value creation. Where possible, there will be a collaboration with companies from the rally regions in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. For example, recycling specialists Heinz Entsorgung are a regional partner cooperating on the paper bags, in which fans can pack any merchandise they purchase and marshals can carry their documents. Another example are the document bags, in which the participating teams receive their documents at the start of the rally: they are made from the advertising banners from the 2023 Central European Rally. This upcycling project is also implemented in cooperation with local charity institution “Weißer Rabe”, which creates jobs for people with special support requirements. On site, specialists will be able to gain a first-hand impression. The CER’s sustainability experts are inviting guests to attend a specialist symposium on the subject of “Sustainable Motorsport Events” in Bad Griesbach in the days preceding the event.

Task force helps implement concept on site
Even the best concept would be useless, if it were not brought to life on site. For this reason, bold notices with environmental information for spectators will ensure the concept is implemented broadly – as will facilities on the special stages and at other hotspots. Examples include ensuring that there are sufficient waste stations in each spectator area, allowing an ordered collection and disposal of the “remnants” of fans from all over the world. This year, Eco Marshals will be used for the first time to provide information and help ensure the concept is accepted and adhered to. They will be monitoring environmental measures and supporting the implementation of the environmental concept on site, as well as giving visitors assistance and tips.
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Mit ihrem Hybridantrieb und fossilfreien Treibstoffen kombinieren die WRC-Boliden spektakuläre Performance mit umweltgerechtem Motorsport

18.09.2024 - Central European Rallye

Mit ihrem Hybridantrieb und fossilfreien Treibstoffen kombinieren die WRC-Boliden spektakuläre Performance mit umweltgerechtem Motorsport

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Mit ihrem Hybridantrieb und fossilfreien Treibstoffen kombinieren die WRC-Boliden spektakuläre Performance mit umweltgerechtem Motorsport

Der Natur- und Umweltschutz sowie die Schonung der schönen Landschaften der Rallyeregion sind ein zentrales Anliegen der Rallye-Organisatoren

18.09.2024 - Central European Rallye

Der Natur- und Umweltschutz sowie die Schonung der schönen Landschaften der Rallyeregion sind ein zentrales Anliegen der Rallye-Organisatoren

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Der Natur- und Umweltschutz sowie die Schonung der schönen Landschaften der Rallyeregion sind ein zentrales Anliegen der Rallye-Organisatoren

Die Wiederverwendung etwa von Absperrmaterialien und viele weitere smarte Lösungsansätze tragen zu den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen der Central European Rally bei

18.09.2024 - Central European Rallye

Die Wiederverwendung etwa von Absperrmaterialien und viele weitere smarte Lösungsansätze tragen zu den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen der Central European Rally bei

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Die Wiederverwendung etwa von Absperrmaterialien und viele weitere smarte Lösungsansätze tragen zu den Nachhaltigkeitsbemühungen der Central European Rally bei

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