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04.04.2024 - Central European Rallye

Tickets for the 2024 Central European Rally available now

  • Experience a feast of action on all the days: Rally Pass for € 99 / Kids under 16 years go free
  • Coveted “1 of 1000” edition available again for € 125
  • Day passes for individual days of the event are also on sale now for € 45

Munich. 125,000 spectators watched last year’s thrilling premiere of the Central European Rally (CER), and the countdown to the second edition is already on. Tickets for the rally spectacle in the three-border region are available now. For four days, from 17th to 20th October, the FIA World Rally Championship (WRC) will again tackle the spectacular asphalt stages in the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany. Anyone wanting a piece of this motorsport action can get their tickets now, with prices starting at € 45. Admission is free for under 16s when accompanied by an adult.

The Rally Pass is available for € 99 again this year. It offers access to all the special stages – that is over 300 kilometres of action – on all four days of the event. The only exception is the Super Special Stage at the racecourse in Velká Cuchle. Separate tickets must be purchased for this stage (€ 40 for standing, € 80 for seats). The coveted “1 of 1000” edition is on offer again: for € 125, visitors can wear the high-quality plastic ticket on a lanyard. All information on tickets, reductions and services can be found in the ticket shop at

A family event: under 16s go free at the CER
The CER is an event for the whole family: for this reason, younger visitors experience the spectacle free of charge. For fans under 16 years of age, a child’s pass can be booked in the shop. Reductions are also on offer for rally fans with disabilities: they can enjoy every day of the rally for a total of € 50, including free entry for one companion. All tickets are available exclusively in printed form and will provisionally be sent out from May. Important: from this year, all entry tickets must be worn around the neck. A Central European Rally lanyard is available in the shop.

All the fan favourites are back on the programme
The format of the World Rally Championship event in the heart of Europe features all the big fan favourites from last year: kicking things off is the Show Start in the Czech capital Prague on the Thursday (17th October), followed by the Super Special Stage on the same day. That evening, the WRC stars, including double champion Kalle Rovanperä and defending CER champion Thierry Neuville, are expected in Klatovy, the venue for an evening stage, before the teams spend the night in the Czech Republic. The rally heartland is the starting point for Friday’s stages in Janovice nad Uhlavou, Šumavské Hoštice and Strašín. All the special stages on the whole CER are tackled twice.

On the Saturday and Sunday, the action moves to the routes in Austria (Mühlviertel and Innviertel) and Germany. The drivers will again negotiate the Bavarian roads in the districts of Freyung-Grafenau and Passau. The schedule features slightly modified routes and some completely new special stages. New this year is the Service Park, which moves from Passau to the site of the Karpfham folk festival in Bad Griesbach. However, the presentation ceremony on the Sunday afternoon will again take place in front of the picturesque backdrop of the town hall square in the three-river city of Passau.
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