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11.03.2022 - ADAC XC Cup

New ADAC XC Cup: Sustainable and fair youth development in off-road racing

  • Junior racing series to use eFuels
  • Five events in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands

Munich. The focus of the new ADAC XC Cup, which is set to debut on the support programme for the German Rallycross Championship (DRX) in 2022, is on sustainability, youth development and equal opportunity. The drivers in the new off-road series will go head to head in standard CrossCars (XC) in two age groups and performance levels, at five DRX events in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. CrossCars are buggy chassis powered by motorcycle engines, and are homologated by the International Automobile Federation FIA. The CrossCars in the ADAC XC Cup run on eFuel, which will be available free of charge to competitors at the events. The top drivers at the end of the season can look forward to an exclusive day of testing and training with rally star Thierry Neuville, as well as the opportunity to qualify for the FIA XC Academy, which takes place within the framework of the FIA XC European Championship. This season’s ADAC XC Cup gets underway on 4th/5th June in Gründautal.

“The ADAC XC Cup offers an innovative and sustainable form of youth development and is the ideal addition to our broad portfolio for talented young drivers,” said ADAC Sport President Dr. Gerd Ennser. “The combination of on and off-road racing means that the series is also attractive to talented youngsters from the world of karting, as well as making for a fair competition. The well thought-out concept of the ADAC XC Cup makes costs predictable and provides good opportunities to progress in one’s career – whether that be in Rallycross, rallying, or circuit racing.”

“We need youngsters in rallying in Germany, and CrossCars are a perfect means of preparation. The low starting age in the ADAC XC Cup gives young drivers early access to the sport. This is important for youth development and helps us to discover talents at an earlier stage,” said two-time women’s world rally champion Isolde Holderied, who is the member of the foundation council of ADAC Stiftung Sport responsible for rallying.

The ADAC XC Cup races are run in two age groups: 13 to 15-year-olds start in the Junior class with engines generating roughly 70 hp. The engines in the Senior class, from 16 years, are capable of 120 hp. In both classes, the CrossCars run on a 100% biofuel provided by ADAC XC Cup partner P1 Racing Fuels. In the future, this fuel will be produced using renewable energy and will be used as an electricity-based fuel with an eFuel proportion.

Important aspects of the ADAC XC Cup are equal opportunities and low running costs. The engine and transmission are sealed, the set-up variants limited. Engineers and professional mechanics are not permitted. Standard parts like bumpers and limited numbers of tyres ensure that the focus is on driving ability. The race format in the ADAC XC Cup is based on the popular and spectacular format of the DRX.

A sophisticated carsharing concept makes participation in the ADAC XC Cup affordable and sustainable. Two starters can share one car, significantly reducing acquisition, transport and running costs of the XC models. The rapid exchange of control units and an efficient engine derating makes it possible for a car to start in both age groups.

The ADAC XC Cup is run by ADAC e. V. in cooperation with LifeLive Germany GmbH.
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Innovativ und nachhaltig: Der neue ADAC XC Cup

11.03.2022 - ADAC XC Cup

Innovativ und nachhaltig: Der neue ADAC XC Cup

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Innovativ und nachhaltig: Der neue ADAC XC Cup

Die CrossCars werden von eFuels angetrieben

11.03.2022 - ADAC XC Cup

Die CrossCars werden von eFuels angetrieben

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Die CrossCars werden von eFuels angetrieben

Der ADAC XC Cup startet im Rahmen der DRX

11.03.2022 - ADAC XC Cup

Der ADAC XC Cup startet im Rahmen der DRX

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Der ADAC XC Cup startet im Rahmen der DRX

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