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06.11.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

Prototype Cup Germany lines up at six top-class racetracks in 2024

  • Calendar features four current or former Formula 1 circuits
  • Three race weekends on the DTM platform
  • Return to Spa-Francorchamps, debut at the Sachsenring

Munich. Prototype Cup Germany enters its third season in 2024, when it will travel to six attractive racetracks in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Three of the six events will feature on the high-profile DTM platfrom. The season kicks off with a highlight: the series organised by the ADAC and Dutch agency Creventic gets the season underway from 19th to 21st April at the iconic Spa-Francorchamps Formula 1 circuit in Belgium. A premiere awaits Prototype Cup Germany at the end of the season: the finale will take place at the Sachsenring from 6th to 8th September on the support programme for the DTM. This will be the first time the demanding, rollercoaster track near Chemnitz has hosted Le Mans prototypes.

The season-opener at Spa-Francorchamps, when the LMP3 series starts as part of the 24h Series, is followed by the first of three outings together with the DTM. The LMP3 racing series returns to the Lausitzring from 24th to 26th May. Prototype Cup Germany lined up at the circuit in Brandenburg in 2022, when spectators were treated to some entertaining racing. Next up, from 12th to 14th July, is Circuit Zandvoort and the second event of the 2024 season outside Germany. The event in the dunes on the Dutch North Sea coast forms part of the Summer Trophy.

From 9th to 11th August, Prototype Cup Germany will be at the Hockenheimring Baden-Württemberg for the ADAC Racing Weekend. From the circuit near Mannheim, the competitors head straight to the Eifel Mountains, where the Nürburgring hosts the penultimate event of the season, as part of the DTM race weekend, from 16th to 18th August.

The Prototype Cup Germany calendar avoids any clashes with those of the Michelin Le Mans Cup, which is run by 24h Le Mans organiser ACO. This gives the teams and drivers the opportunity to compete on both platforms.
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2024 wird wieder ein volles Feld im Prototype Cup Germany erwartet

06.11.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

2024 wird wieder ein volles Feld im Prototype Cup Germany erwartet

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2024 wird wieder ein volles Feld im Prototype Cup Germany erwartet

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