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24.06.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

MRS GT-Racing claims its first victory in the Prototype Cup Germany

  • Jan Marschalkowski / Jasper Stiksma win an eventful race.
  • BWT Mücke Motorsport also celebrate their first podium.
  • Marschalkowski and Stiksma are top juniors, Matthias Lüthen is the fastest Trophy driver.

Zandvoort. Race five of this season’s Prototype Cup Germany, which was held in the Dutch coastal town of Zandvoort, was not for the faint-hearted: in the end, the pairing of Jan Marschalkowski (20/Inning am Ammersee) and Jasper Stiksma (22/NDL, both MRS GT-Racing) claimed its first victory in the Prototype Cup Germany. “I really don’t know how that happened. It is unbelievable, I am absolutely delighted,” said Marschalkowski. Runners-up Nico Göhler (20/Grasleben) and Gustavo Kiryla (29/BRA, both BWT Mücke Motorsport) also made their first appearance at the podium ceremony in the LMP3 series, which is organised by the ADAC and Creventic. Finally, Gabriela Jílková (28/CZE) and Xavier Lloveras (23/ESP, both van ommen racing by DataLab) also climbed onto the Prototype Cup Germany podium for the first time. The race did not resume and was cut short after a second red flag to recover a car.

At the start, Oscar Tunjo (27/COL, van ommen racing by DataLab) took the lead while Nico Göhler and Laurents Hörr battled it out for second place. However, the Columbian was not able to enjoy his lead for long: he made a mistake and crashed out as early as lap three. Race control initially sent the safety car out to allow the Duqueine to be recovered, before suspending the race with the red flag shortly after. At this point, Hörr was out in front.

Hörr held onto the lead after the restart, ahead of Göhler and Max van der Snel (19/NLD, More Motorsport by Reiter). Freddie Hunt 36/GBR, Reiter Engineering) then rolled out of the race on lap seven, which required another appearance from the safety car. When the safety car returned to the pit lane, the window opened for the mandatory pit stops. By the time they had all been completed, it was Dutchman Jasper Stiksma who found himself in first place, having just taken over from Marschalkowski at the wheel of the Ligier. Matthias Lüthen (42/Hamburg, Koiranen Kemppi Motorsport) had replaced Hörr in the second-placed Duqueine, followed by Gustavo Kiryla and Xavier Lloveras. A little while later, the Brazilian and the Spaniard overtook the German Trophy driver and set off in pursuit of Marschalkowski. At almost exactly the same time, Danny Soufi (19/USA, Konrad Motorsport) skidded into the pit wall, resulting in race control calling the safety car into action again, and shortly after the red flags were waved again. This time there was not to be a restart, leaving Marschalkowski and Stiksma to take first place.

“I lost ground at the start, which I was then able to regain. We then came in for a relatively late driver changeover, and Jasper did an outstanding job after that. He had hardly done any laps in an LMP3 car before today, but he held onto first place without any problem. That was really good.” Stiksma was also delighted at the end of the race. “It is unbelievable. Apart from a 90-minute test and a few laps yesterday in the free practice sessions, I have hardly any LMP3 experience – and now I am on the top step of the podium. My goal for this race was to keep the car in one piece and just gain some experience. I would even have been pleased with a place in the top ten,” said the Dutchman, hardly able to comprehend the victory on his debut in the Prototype Cup Germany.

Nico Göhler – Second place for BWT Mücke Motorsport
“That was not an easy opening lap, as I had to hold my own against my rivals. Laurents Hörr did manage to squeeze through in a tight manoeuvre, but when Oscar Tunjo crashed out soon after, I was back in second place. Once I was second again, it was clear to me that we could finish on the podium.”

Gustavo Kiryla – Second place for BWT Mücke Motorsport
“It was a great job by the whole team and we all deserve to be stood on the podium. Nico drove an excellent qualifying and in doing so laid the foundation. This is my first international podium and it feels awesome. Now I know how it feels, I want more of it.”

Gabriela Jílková – Third place for van ommen racing by DataLab
“The start went well, I immediately gained some positions. We then came in for our pit stop at a good time and Xavier drove a good race. After my two third places last weekend in the French GT4 series, I am now third again – but the first podium in LMP3 racing is obviously a nice feeling.”

Xavier Lloveras – Third place for van ommen racing by DataLab
“We came through from eighth on the grid to finish third – that is obviously positive. However, I think we could perhaps even have won if the race had not been terminated in the end. Despite that, I am still happy, it was a great performance from us.”
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Start zum ersten Lauf von Zandvoort; Oscar Tunjo führt das Feld in die erste Kurve

24.06.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

Start zum ersten Lauf von Zandvoort; Oscar Tunjo führt das Feld in die erste Kurve

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Start zum ersten Lauf von Zandvoort; Oscar Tunjo führt das Feld in die erste Kurve

Jan Marschalkowski und Jasper Stiksma gewinnen erstmals im Prototype Cup Germany

24.06.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

Jan Marschalkowski und Jasper Stiksma gewinnen erstmals im Prototype Cup Germany

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Jan Marschalkowski und Jasper Stiksma gewinnen erstmals im Prototype Cup Germany

Nico Göhler und Gustavo Kiryla auf dem Weg zum zweiten Platz

24.06.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

Nico Göhler und Gustavo Kiryla auf dem Weg zum zweiten Platz

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Nico Göhler und Gustavo Kiryla auf dem Weg zum zweiten Platz

Podium nach Rennen eins von Zandvoort (v.l.n.r.): Gustavo Kiryla, Nico Göhler (beide P2), Jan Marschalkowski, Jasper Stiksma (beide P1), Gabriela Jílková und Xavier Lloveras (beide P3)

24.06.2023 - Prototype Cup Germany

Podium nach Rennen eins von Zandvoort (v.l.n.r.): Gustavo Kiryla, Nico Göhler (beide P2), Jan Marschalkowski, Jasper Stiksma (beide P1), Gabriela Jílková und Xavier Lloveras (beide P3)

Download 1.39 MB - Auflösung: 2471 x 1648px
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Podium nach Rennen eins von Zandvoort (v.l.n.r.): Gustavo Kiryla, Nico Göhler (beide P2), Jan Marschalkowski, Jasper Stiksma (beide P1), Gabriela Jílková und Xavier Lloveras (beide P3)

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