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22.12.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Montana to continue as ADAC GT Masters partner

  • Agreement reached on taking successful relationship to the next level
  • Logo will also have high visibility in the pit lane

Munich: Montana and the ADAC GT Masters have agreed to build on their already successful partnership in the 2021 season. The company, which is one of the leading medium-sized energy providers in Germany and Austria, entered into a sponsorship deal with the Super Sports Car League at the start of 2020. The renewal of the agreement means that Montana will continue to have an extensive brand presence at the race weekends of the ADAC GT Masters which will also double as the International German GT Championship from 2021 onwards. There will be far more prominence given to the corporate slogan (Montana – Full of Energy), and the company’s logo will be visible in the pit lane for the first time next season. The partnership will be further consolidated by additional media initiatives.

“Montana has already become an important partner of the ADAC GT Masters during the first year of this partnership, so we are delighted to continue and expand the relationship,” says Thomas Voss, Head of ADAC Motorsport and Classic. “Both parties have already benefited immensely from it.”

“We are enthusiastic partners of the ADAC GT Masters,” says Montana CEO Stefan Koburger. “Montana and the racing series are a great fit. Our brand with its ‘Full of Energy’ promise is in perfect harmony with the spectacular Super Sports Car League line-up. We didn’t have to think too hard before taking the partnership to the next level.”

About Montana
Montana is one of the leading medium-sized power utilities, supplying more than 600,000 customers in Germany and Austria with electricity, natural gas, mineral oil products and renewable energies as well as technical services. The company regularly receives awards from independent institutes as a high-quality service provider with a fair-trade ethic. In 2020, for example, it once again received the German Service Award in the Energy category from the German Institute for Service Quality (DISQ).
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ADAC GT Masters, Red Bull Ring, Podium

22.12.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Red Bull Ring, Podium

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ADAC GT Masters, Red Bull Ring, Podium

ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

22.12.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

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ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

22.12.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

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ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring

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