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05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

To be continued… PS on Air, the RAVENOL talk show

  • RAVENOL to sponsor the ADAC GT Masters talk show through the winter break
  • Lubricant manufacturer as official partner to the ADAC GT Masters and support series

Munich: 'PS on Air - Der RAVENOL ADAC GT Masters-Talk' is about to into extra time. During the winter break, fans of the ADAC GT Masters will still have the benefit of the popular and entertaining talk show, which has been providing commentary and analysis of the action on track as well as first-hand insights into what's going on behind the scenes of the racing series. RAVENOL, a longstanding partner of the ADAC GT Masters, will continue to sponsor the talk show during the winter break. The next episode of PS on Air can be heard online on Saturday starting at 20:00 CET on and on

RAVENOL is maintaining its successful partnership with the ADAC GT Masters and the various support series. Based at Werther, midway between Dortmund and Hannover, the company is the official lubricant partner of the ADAC GT Masters, a series which is about to have its prestige considerably enhanced when it receives the official status of International German GT Championship from 2021 onwards. Many of the teams in the starting line-up rely on RAVENOL to supply the engine and transmission oils, coolants and brake fluids for their vehicles. RAVENOL as series partner has its logo prominently displayed on all cars competing in the ADAC GT4 Germany series. In the ADAC Formula 4, RAVENOL has been the general technical partner for lubricants since the start of the current season, and all of the racing cars contesting the series are equipped with RAVENOL products.

Martin Huning, RAVENOL Director of Motorsport: "The ADAC GT Masters is the ideal platform to demonstrate the performance of our products in exacting track conditions, especially with there being so many high-performance cars from different manufacturers in the field. We are very much looking forward to supporting the ADAC GT Masters as official lubricant partner in the coming years."

Thomas Voss, ADAC Head of Motorsport and Classic" "Unfortunately, not many fans have been able to enjoy the ADAC GT Masters first-hand from the grandstands at the circuits this year. Thanks to the support of RAVENOL, we have been able to keep housebound fans well informed about the series with our PS on Air talk show. RAVENOL has been a partner of the ADAC GT Masters for several years now, and we are delighted that this successful collaboration is set to continue."
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PS on Air – Der RAVENOL ADAC GT Masters-Talk geht weiter

05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

PS on Air – Der RAVENOL ADAC GT Masters-Talk geht weiter

PS on Air – Der RAVENOL ADAC GT Masters-Talk geht weiter

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PS on Air – Der RAVENOL ADAC GT Masters-Talk geht weiter

RAVENOL bleibt offizieller Schmierstoffpartner des ADAC GT Masters

05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

RAVENOL bleibt offizieller Schmierstoffpartner des ADAC GT Masters

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RAVENOL bleibt offizieller Schmierstoffpartner des ADAC GT Masters

ahlreiche Teams im ADAC GT Masters vertrauen in ihren Fahrzeugen auf Betriebsstoffe von RAVENOL

05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ahlreiche Teams im ADAC GT Masters vertrauen in ihren Fahrzeugen auf Betriebsstoffe von RAVENOL

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ahlreiche Teams im ADAC GT Masters vertrauen in ihren Fahrzeugen auf Betriebsstoffe von RAVENOL

RAVENOL ist ebenfalls Serienpartner der ADAC GT4 Germany

05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

RAVENOL ist ebenfalls Serienpartner der ADAC GT4 Germany

Download 1.89 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
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RAVENOL ist ebenfalls Serienpartner der ADAC GT4 Germany

Alle Rennfahrzeuge der ADAC Formel 4 sind mit RAVENOL Produkten ausgerüstet

05.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Alle Rennfahrzeuge der ADAC Formel 4 sind mit RAVENOL Produkten ausgerüstet

Download 2.19 MB - Auflösung: 4488 x 2992px
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Alle Rennfahrzeuge der ADAC Formel 4 sind mit RAVENOL Produkten ausgerüstet

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