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03.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

DEKRA and ADAC GT Masters extend successful partnership

  • Early extension of current partnership for another two years
  • DEKRA and the ADAC GT Masters first began working together twelve years ago
  • Full support in other ADAC series as well

Munich: A success story involving the ADAC GT Masters and DEKRA is set to continue as they map out their joint futures after announcing their intention to continue working productively together for the next two years in an early extension of their existing partnership. Apart from sponsoring the Super Sports Cars League, DEKRA will continue to support the ADAC GT4 Germany, ADAC TCR Germany and ADAC Formula 4. DEKRA has been a partner of the ADAC GT Masters since 2008 – longer than anyone else. DEKRA’s green and white logo will thus still feature prominently on the start number boards of the super sports cars.

“The long-standing partnership between the ADAC GT Masters and DEKRA shows just how important this platform is for us,” said Guido Kutschera, CEO of DEKRA Automobil GmbH. “There are not many race series where fans can see amazing automotive technology at work in such an impressive setting as in the ADAC GT Masters. Having a prominent presence in this kind of environment is still a perfect fit for our brand, which is why we intend to stay with them in the future.”

“DEKRA has been the ADAC GT Masters’ staunchest partner,” said ADAC Managing Director Lars Soutschka. “This early extension to our partnership with DEKRA, the world’s leading automotive services provider, shows a strong commitment on their part to the future of the ADAC GT Masters and to the other terrific series that support it. Our successful collaboration has been on-going for more than twelve years, which is quite extraordinary in a sport where fractions of a second make the difference.”

In addition to partnering the ADAC GT Masters, DEKRA has been a partner of the ADAC GT4 Germany, ADAC TCR Germany, ADAC Formula 4 and the ADAC GT Masters eSports Championship powered by EnBW mobility+ from the outset. DEKRA and the ADAC have also joined forces with other project partners in the innovative HYRAZE League, a totally new motorsport competition with hydrogen racing cars that will debut in 2023.

DEKRA has been working to ensure everyone’s safety for more than 90 years. From its beginnings in 1925 when it was founded in Berlin as the Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs Verein eV, the German Motor Vehicle Inspection Association, DEKRA has developed into one of the world’s leading providers of expert services. DEKRA SE is a wholly-own subsidiary of DEKRA eV and controls group operations. In 2019, DEKRA achieved a turnover of 3.4 billion euros. The company employs some 44,000 staff in around 60 countries on all five continents. They work to ensure safety on the road, at work and at home by providing qualified and independent expert services. The company has a very wide-ranging portfolio, covering vehicle inspection, expert appraisals, claims services, industrial and building inspection, safety consultancy, the testing and certification of products and systems as well as training courses and temporary employment. DEKRA’s vision for the company’s 100th birthday in 2025 is that it will be a global partner for a safe world.
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Bereits seit 2008 ist DEKRA Partner des ADAC GT Masters

03.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Bereits seit 2008 ist DEKRA Partner des ADAC GT Masters

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Bereits seit 2008 ist DEKRA Partner des ADAC GT Masters

Markant: das DEKRA-Logo auf den Fahrzeugen des ADAC GT Masters

03.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Markant: das DEKRA-Logo auf den Fahrzeugen des ADAC GT Masters

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Markant: das DEKRA-Logo auf den Fahrzeugen des ADAC GT Masters

DEKRA und das ADAC GT Masters verlängern die erfolgreiche Partnerschaft

03.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

DEKRA und das ADAC GT Masters verlängern die erfolgreiche Partnerschaft

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DEKRA und das ADAC GT Masters verlängern die erfolgreiche Partnerschaft

Das grün-weiße Logo von DEKRA wird weiterhin auf den Startnummerntafeln zu sehen sein

03.11.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Das grün-weiße Logo von DEKRA wird weiterhin auf den Startnummerntafeln zu sehen sein

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Das grün-weiße Logo von DEKRA wird weiterhin auf den Startnummerntafeln zu sehen sein

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