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23.10.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

GRT Grasser to field four Lamborghinis in 2021 ADAC GT Masters

  • Austrian outfit reaffirms commitment to Super Sports Car League
  • Squad to be made up of Lamborghini works and Junior drivers
  • Zakspeed also announce plans for 2021

Munich: Yet further evidence for the attractiveness of the ADAC GT Masters comes with the announcement from GRT Grasser Racing that they not only intend to be part of the Super Sports Car League line-up in 2021 but also to increase the number of Lamborghini Huracán GT3 Evos from three to four. It was only a few days ago that Team Zakspeed BKK Mobil Oil Racing, one of the most successful and well-known racing teams in Germany, also gave notice of their renewed commitment to the racing series in the coming season, when the ADAC GT Masters will have the additional status of International German GT Championship conferred on it by the German Motor Sport Federation (DMSB).

The GRT Grasser Racing Team has been competing in the ADAC GT Masters since 2011 and has established itself as one of the most successful Lamborghini teams in GT racing worldwide. The outfit led by Gottfried Grasser has so far achieved ten victories and 14 pole positions in the Super Sports Car League. In the coming season, the Austrians plan to field four Lamborghini Huracán GT3 Evos, one more than in the current campaign. In addition to the regular works driver pairing from the Lamborghini Squadra Corse, the team is busy recruiting youngsters from the Lamborghini Junior squad. The decision to go down this route was made on the basis of the excellent performance of Lamborghini Juniors Steijn Schothorst (26, NL) and Tim Zimmermann (24, GER) who have already booked three pole positions in this year’s ADAC GT Masters. Zimmermann also leads the Pirelli Junior classification.

“I am very pleased that we are in a position to make plans for the 2021 season at such an early stage,” said Team Principal Gottfried Grasser. “After a tough year for the whole world – and this includes our industry – that is actually quite an achievement. Thanks to our strong partners and sponsors, we are still able to set a course for the future, despite the difficulty of the times. We are optimistic about the coming year, and we very much hope that the global situation will improve so that we can look forward together to an attractive calendar and exciting races. Running the Lamborghini Junior team in the ADAC GT Masters will be a really cool enterprise and one that we are certainly going to enjoy very much. We are looking forward to the future with great positivity.”

Zakspeed also in the frame
The announcement from GRT Grasser Racing was preceded by one from Zakspeed BKK Mobil Oil Racing who also gave notice of their intention to be back in contention for the 2021 ADAC GT Masters. The highly successful racing team from the Eifel, which has so far won one driver’s title, chalked up five race wins and claimed nine pole positions in the ADAC GT Masters, is again planning to field two Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evos.
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