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14.05.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

FaberExposize becomes official ADAC GT Masters partner

  • Close collaboration with international medial print service provider, event/exhibition stand constructor
  • Company well-known for top-class events such as the World Cup and Olympic Games
  • Cooperation promises to deliver added value for fans at the track

Munich: The ADAC GT Masters has gained another strong partner in FaberExposize. The international medial print service provider, event/exhibition stand constructor and the Super Sports Car League have signed an agreement to work together on innovative branding concepts that will increase the visibility of series partners at race meetings. Fans at the track will also benefit from new, more modern signage.

FaberExposize has gained a lot of experience in providing branded materials for many international sporting events such as the European and World Football Championships, Winter Olympics and the Volvo OceanRace. FaberExposize will now use its expertise at the ADAC GT Masters in the placement and setting up of advertising materials at racetracks. A new venue dressing concept is just one of the ideas being developed by the ADAC in conjunction with FaberExposize with the aim of offering added value to spectators at ADAC GT Masters racetracks through more modern, informative signage, for example.

Speaking about the new partnership, Martin Kimm, CEO at FaberExposize told us: “The ADAC GT Masters is an ideal platform for FaberExposize, because motorsport stands for innovation and passion just like our company. Extensive specialist knowledge and a high degree of experience combined with the latest technology are the prerequisites for the best possible results - both at the racetrack and in the area of product branding.”

Thomas Voss, Head of ADAC Motorsport and Classic, continued: “We are delighted to have signed another strong partner, FaberExposize, to join us in the ADAC GT Masters. FaberExposize has a great deal of expertise in the area of branding, having already worked on many major international sporting events. We will cooperate together to further develop the professional manner, in which the ADAC GT Masters and its partners present themselves while creating added value for fans at the track.”

About the FaberExposize group
FaberExposize is an international medial print service provider, event/exhibition stand constructor. The group consists of 500 employees at 14 locations in 10 countries worldwide. Apart from headquarters at Heilbad Heiligenstadt in Germany, there are factories in Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Poland, Great Britain, Mexico, Chile and Thailand, which means that throughout the Faber group of companies, there is a large pool of knowledge, experience and innovation that can be called upon at any time. As specialists in branding and visibility, FaberExposize can analyse in detail the wishes and needs of its customers. The company’s core business is in the field of trade fairs, events, POS and retail but the more traditional areas of advertising media can also be addressed and special requests or unusual orders for products dealt with.
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Durch die Kooperation soll die Sichtbarkeit der Serienpartner bei den Rennveranstaltungen erhöht werden

12.05.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Durch die Kooperation soll die Sichtbarkeit der Serienpartner bei den Rennveranstaltungen erhöht werden

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Durch die Kooperation soll die Sichtbarkeit der Serienpartner bei den Rennveranstaltungen erhöht werden

Der internationale Druckdienstleister FaberExposize wird neuer Partner des ADAC GT Masters

12.05.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Der internationale Druckdienstleister FaberExposize wird neuer Partner des ADAC GT Masters

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Der internationale Druckdienstleister FaberExposize wird neuer Partner des ADAC GT Masters

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