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26.04.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

SSR Performance: All set for first season in ADAC GT Masters

New outfit joins ADAC GT Masters. After enjoying a very promising outing as guest entrants last year at Hockenheim, SSR Performance are set to contest their first full season in this year’s Super Sports Car League. During a session of the online live broadcast, PS on Air - The Ravenol ADAC GT Masters talk show, the Munich-based team introduced their very experienced driver pairing – last year’s championship runner-up, Christian Engelhart (33, GER), plus Michael Ammermüller (34, GER) – and talked about the eye-catching livery of their Porsche 911 GT3 R.

SSR Performance GmbH was set up in 2016 by car and motorsport enthusiast, Stefan Schlund. 2020 is going to be a real year to remember for him and his exclusive car restoration/tuning company, because, after moving to a new high-performance automotive centre in the north of Munich with six floors and some 10,000 square metres of floor space, the outfit is now about to embark on its first full season in the ADAC GT Masters. Stefan Schlund, CEO at SSR Performance GmbH, commented: “As far as we’re concerned, for us, this challenging series makes an excellent platform, on which to demonstrate our tremendous expertise in motor racing and in the sports car sector that derives from it.”

The team have acquired the services of Christian Engelhart and Michael Ammermüller, who have already enjoyed notable success as drivers in the ADAC GT Masters and in GT motor racing generally. Engelhart was championship runner-up in the 2019 Super Sports Car League and is the second-most successful driver in series history, having taken no less than twelve wins in all to date. His team-mate, Ammermüller, recently secured his title hat-trick in the Porsche Supercup and for the first time since 2017, will be back racing in the ADAC GT Masters where he has won two races so far. Michael Cap, Head of Motorsport at SSR, commented: “We’re delighted that we’ve been able to sign Michael Ammermüller and Christian Engelhart to the team, as they are both extremely fast and very experienced as GT drivers.” The budding team from SSR Performance will have support from Manthey-Racing’s well-practised crew of experts and specialists for their first season in the ADAC GT Masters.
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Auffallend: das schwarz-gelbe Design des SSR-Porsche 911 GT3 R

26.04.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Auffallend: das schwarz-gelbe Design des SSR-Porsche 911 GT3 R

Auffallend: das schwarz-gelbe Design des SSR-Porsche 911 GT3 R

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Auffallend: das Design des SSR-Porsche 911 GT3 R

Michael Ammermüller (l.) und Christian Engelhart verfügen über viel GT-Erfahrung

26.04.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Michael Ammermüller (l.) und Christian Engelhart verfügen über viel GT-Erfahrung

Michael Ammermüller (l.) und Christian Engelhart verfügen über viel GT-Erfahrung

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Michael Ammermüller (l.) und Christian Engelhart verfügen über viel GT-Erfahrung

Startklar: Christian Engelhart (l.), Michael Ammermüller und der Porsche von SSR Performance

26.04.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Startklar: Christian Engelhart (l.), Michael Ammermüller und der Porsche von SSR Performance

Startklar: Christian Engelhart (l.), Michael Ammermüller und der Porsche von SSR Performance

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Startklar: Christian Engelhart (l.), Michael Ammermüller und der Porsche von SSR Performance

SSR Performance absolviert mit dem Porsche seine erste Saison im ADAC GT Masters

26.04.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

SSR Performance absolviert mit dem Porsche seine erste Saison im ADAC GT Masters

SSR Performance absolviert mit dem Porsche seine erste Saison im ADAC GT Masters

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SSR Performance absolviert mit dem Porsche seine erste Saison im ADAC GT Masters

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