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13.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Toksport WRT will contend for title with Maro Engel and Luca Stolz

  • First full season in ADAC GT Masters for outfit from the Eifel
  • Maro Engel and Luca Stolz will race a Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo
  • Toksport WRT did very well in 2019, achieving podiums as guest entrants

Munich: After successfully racing as guest entrants last year, the German outfit now intend to contest their first full season in the series. The team will have a crew of tried and tested drivers in the line-up with former DTM driver and FIA GT World Cup winner Maro Engel (34, Monte-Carlo) and ADAC GT Masters race winner Luca Stolz (24, DEU) at the wheel of a Mercedes-AMG GT3 Evo. The team’s goal this season (which starts on the weekend of 24th-26th April in Oschersleben) is to win the title.

“We are delighted to announce that Maro and Luca will drive for us,” said Team Principal, Emre Buyukbayrak. “Their experience and professionalism will undoubtedly help our team, both on and off track. We are very satisfied with our team and aim to be among the front-runners right from the very first race.”

Toksport WRT have already shown that that is a distinct possibility during their guest outings last year. Engel took a second place and Stolz a P3 from four starts at Zandvoort and at the Nürburgring. Consequently, the team from Quiddelbach near the Nürburgring feel well placed to be title contenders straightaway. “After our guest outings in 2019, we wanted to contest a full season in the ADAC GT Masters come what may!” said Buyukbayrak, whose team are also successful at rallying and won the European Championship with Chris Ingram in 2019. “The standard in the series is one of the highest in GT3 racing anywhere in the world, so we’re delighted to be taking part and can’t wait to get started.”

Engel and Stolz make a good team. They have shared a cockpit for several years now and have been particularly successful in international endurance racing. “After our successful guest starts last year, I am very happy and looking forward to joining Toksport WRT and Luca for a full season in the ADAC GT Masters,” said Maro Engel. “I know that everyone at Toksport is highly motivated and we will prepare in the best possible way to build up on our success from last year and put together a strong challenge for this competitive championship.”

Team-mate Luca Stolz added: “I’m really pleased to join Toksport WRT alongside Maro Engel. We know that ADAC GT master is a tough and really competitive championship. All our preparations go in the right way and I’m really looking forward for the season kick-off in Oschersleben.”

As in 2019, Toksport WRT will race a Mercedes-AMG GT3 with the new Evo package for the upcoming season. Emre Buyukbayrak: “We’re pleased to be able to continue and even extend our involvement with Mercedes-AMG after working with them as a customer team in 2019.”
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ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT, Luca Stolz, Maro Engel

13.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT, Luca Stolz, Maro Engel

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ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT, Luca Stolz, Maro Engel

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

13.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

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ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

13.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

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ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

13.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

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ADAC GT Masters, Toksport WRT

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