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07.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

First places on grid for 2020 ADAC GT Masters have now been allocated

  • Interest in 2020 ADAC GT Masters continues to grow
  • Media Day in Motorsport Arena Oschersleben, April 6th

Munich: Interest in the 2020 ADAC GT Masters is continuing to grow and the first places on the grid for a field limited to 34 vehicles by the regs have now been allocated. The ADAC GT Masters will get the new season under way on the weekend of April 24th to 26th in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben. Journalists and the public will have a chance to preview events taking place in the 2020 ADAC GT Masters at a Media Day on April 6th during official pre season testing in Oschersleben. SPORT1 will again broadcast all races live and in full during 2020. Racing will also be streamed online on various digital platforms. Tickets for ADAC GT Masters races are available now at

The first 28 grid slots were allocated according to regulations on receipt of the entry fee. The ADAC then assigned a further two places and will decide how to allot the remaining four positions on the grid to complete the field of 34 super sports cars over the next few weeks. Brand diversity is just one of the criteria used by the ADAC with the aim of putting together the best field of competitors possible. However, the ADAC GT Masters is already delivering on its promise to ensure variety on the grid, as teams fielding super sports cars from six different manufacturers now have places on the grid.

The four ADAC series - the ADAC GT Masters, ADAC GT4 Germany, ADAC TCR Germany and ADAC Formula 4 - will take part in official pre season testing (April 6th-8th) in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben three weeks before the start of the season and fans are welcome to attend.

Note for media representatives: A press conference concerning the 2020 season will be held during the Media Day on April 6th in Oschersleben. Further information to follow.
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ADAC GT Masters

07.02.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters

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ADAC GT Masters

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