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17.01.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

Team WRT Principal Vincent Vosse: We love a challenge

  • Belgian team boss, Vosse, is looking forward to the ADAC GT Masters
  • W Racing Team set to debut in the Super Sports Car League
  • Outfit will deploy two Audi R8 LMS supercars

Munich: W Racing Team (WRT), one of motor racing’s most successful international GT teams, will make its debut in the Super Sports Car League when the new ADAC GT Masters season begins on 24th April in Oschersleben. Team Principal Vincent Vosse sets out the Belgian team’s new programme for the first time.

The W Racing Team was founded just ten years ago in September 2009. Since then, the outfit from Baudour to the south-west of Brussels has become one of the top teams in GT racing, having taken wins in 24-hour races at Spa-Francorchamps, Nürburgring, Dubai and Zolder; WRT have also won the FIA GT World Cup, Suzuka 10h, Sepang 12h, Bathurst 12h and other national and international races and championships. The team will compete in the ADAC GT Masters for the first time this season, fielding two Audi R8 LMS supercars. Team boss Vincent Vosse sees it as a logical step: “We wanted to join the series two years ago, but it’s only now that things have finally worked out for us. The ADAC GT Masters is a great championship. It’s very competitive and extremely important to manufacturers like Audi. We love a challenge.”

Vosse is careful when it comes to his goals: “We want to be proud of our achievements and do our best. There is actually no real reason why we cannot compete on equal terms with the other Audi teams, but of course, the ADAC GT Masters is not an easy series. We’ll just have to wait and see how we do in the end.”

Vosse thinks that tyres will pose the biggest challenge for his team. “Every championship has its own peculiarities. We’ve had tyre warmers in all of the GT series that we’ve contested up until now, but they are not allowed in the ADAC GT Masters, so it will be crucial that we find out how best to warm up tyres to get the best performance out of them.” In order to make sure that they are as well placed as possible for outings in the Super Sports Car League, Team WRT will not rely solely on proven team members. Vosse: “We’ve brought a few new people into the outfit who have already worked in the ADAC GT Masters.”

It has not yet been decided who will drive the two Audi R8 LMS racing cars. “We are still having discussions,” said Vosse, who hopes to be at the track for as many races as possible in 2020. “Fortunately, we’ve got a very extensive programme at WRT with races in different series often taking place at the same race weekends, but I’m really looking forward to the ADAC GT Masters!”
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W Racing Team, Teamchef Vincent Vosse, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

16.01.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

W Racing Team, Teamchef Vincent Vosse, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

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W Racing Team, Teamchef Vincent Vosse, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

W Racing Team, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

16.01.2020 - ADAC GT Masters

W Racing Team, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

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W Racing Team, Urheber: Patrick Hecq/Team WRT

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