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13.08.2019 - ADAC GT Masters

Sprint racing for a change: Endurance specialists Frikadelli Racing with guest start at Nürburgring

  • Nordschleife specialists will field a Porsche 911 GT3 R for ADAC GT Masters debut
  • Team Principal Klaus Abbelen and Matt Campbell as drivers
  • Test outing with a view to contesting 2020 season

Munich: Frikadelli Racing will compete in the ADAC GT Masters for the first time next race weekend at the Nürburgring (16th-18th August). The outfit from the Eifel will field a Porsche 911 GT3 R for team boss Klaus Abbelen (58, GER) and Porsche Young Pro driver, Matt Campbell (24, AUS) as they compete in the fifth round of the Super Sports Car League.

“In recent years, Frikadelli Racing have focused almost exclusively on the Nürburgring Nordschleife. Although the Nordschleife is right on our doorstep, we felt that the time has perhaps come to take on a new challenge. Next year’s ADAC GT Masters could be a possibility,” said Team Principal, Klaus Abbelen, who heads the team jointly with Sabine Schmitz. “I think that just about every GT3 team around has been involved with the ADAC GT Masters at some point. The series has come on really well in recent years and regularly offers exciting motorsport at the highest level. We’re now looking forward to experiencing the ADAC GT Masters for ourselves at the Nürburgring, and then the impressions we gain there will help shape our decision as regards 2020.”

For the premiere on the Nürburgring’s sprint track, Frikadelli Racing will race their newly acquired Porsche 911 GT3 R which Abbelen and the Australian, Matt Campbell, will drive. Ex-motorcycle rider Abbelen has previously contested the FIA GT series but has focused in recent years on endurance racing with his team on the Nordschleife where they have already achieved several victories. Campbell is a member of the Porsche Young Professional programme. After many successes in the one make cup, he has gone on to take class wins in the FIA World Endurance Championship, including at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. He also won the 12-hour race earlier this year at Bathurst. “I’m delighted to be competing with Frikadelli Racing in the ADAC GT Masters,” said Campbell. “It will certainly be a terrific new experience for the whole team and for me personally.”
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ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring, Frikadelli Racing

13.08.2019 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring, Frikadelli Racing

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ADAC GT Masters, Nürburgring, Frikadelli Racing

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