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25.09.2018 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT4 Germany 2019 taking shape

Six meetings under banner of ADAC GT Masters

Munich: First look at the ADAC GT4 Germany. At the ADAC GT Masters finale in Hockenheim, there was an initial preview of the new series which will feature six races in 2019 under the banner of the ADAC GT Masters. Various GT4 models were on display in the paddock to give fans, drivers and teams a first impression of the ADAC GT4 Germany. The new series will get underway on the weekend of 26th - 28th April 2019 in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben.

Six races within the context of the ADAC GT Masters are calendared for the ADAC GT4 Germany in 2019. The series will line up at Oschersleben (April 26th - 28th), at the Nürburgring (August 16th - 18th), at Hockenheim (September 13th - 15th) at the Sachsenring (27th - 29th September) and at two ADAC GT Masters meetings to be held in neighbouring countries. The format for the weekend will be based on the one successfully used by the ADAC GT Masters with two practice sessions, two qualifyings and two races with driver changeover. Two drivers will share a car. The series is open exclusively to young talents and amateur racing drivers in the FIA's Bronze and Silver driver categories. Pirelli tyres will be used as standard as in the ADAC GT Masters. Three fresh sets of Pirellis will be made available to race participants for the first race weekend and two new sets for every race weekend thereafter.

"We've had a great response and plenty of very positive feedback since the series was launched in July," said ADAC Motorsport Director Thomas Voss. "We have laid out the framework for the series at this early stage in order to give interested teams and drivers a high degree of planning security well in advance. We've used the weekend at Hockenheim to discuss things with all those interested. We will work on further details during the coming months and are already looking forward to the launch of ADAC GT4 Germany in 2019."

Registration for the inaugural season of the ADAC GT4 Germany will open on December 3rd, 2018 and close on March 15th, 2019. A total of 28 grid slots will be assigned to teams on receipt of the entry fee. The ADAC has a maximum of a further six places on the grid to be allocated.
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ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

23.09.2018 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

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ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

23.09.2018 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

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ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

23.09.2018 - ADAC GT Masters

ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

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ADAC GT4 Germany, Präsentation, Hockenheim

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