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06.04.2016 - ADAC GT Masters

Aust Motorsport names drivers for ADAC GT Masters

  • Another new team, Aust Motorsport, has joined the ADAC GT Masters
  • Outfit from Rietberg in Germany will enter two new Audi R8s in 2016
  • Bonanomi, Åhlin-Kottulinsky, Maassen and Schreier make up the squad of four drivers

Munich: The ADAC GT Masters continues to grow as another new team, Aust Motorsport, joins the line-up for the tenth Super Sports Car League season. The outfit led by Frank Aust is new to GT3 motor racing and will deploy the new Audi R8 in the ADAC GT Masters when the season kicks off in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben (April 15th-17th).

The choice of drivers is an exciting mix. Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky (23, S), who raced in the Audi Sport TT Cup until recently, will partner Audi works driver Marco Bonanomi (31, I) in the first R8. The Italian has already contested various formula racing series and has lined up in Le Mans and in the World Endurance Championship for sports cars: "This is all new to me, new racing series, new team, a new car and a new team-mate, but I feel confident about the season. The pre-season tests showed me that the ADAC GT Masters operates at a very high level." The sister car will be driven by Xavier Maassen (35, NL), who has raced both single-seater racing cars and sports cars, and Lukas Schreier (20, DEU).

Based in the northern part of Germany, the team are not unknown on the German motor racing scene. Aust drivers and riders took part in motorcycle races and rallying events back in the 1980s and 1990s. The team began circuit racing at the start of the new millennium and became established on the Nürburgring Nordschleife primarily. Aust Motorsport made a name for themselves most recently in the Porsche Carrera Cup Deutschland.

2016 now marks a move into GT3. "We're looking forward to this fresh challenge," said team principal Frank Aust. "The ADAC GT Masters is a very interesting platform from our perspective, one in which we would love to prove ourselves. Our goal is to produce some fine performances and secure decent finishes. The Audi has impressed us and perfectly matches our profile of requirements."

All ADAC GT Masters races will once again be broadcast live and in full during 2016 by SPORT1 on free-to-air TV. The 2016 ADAC GT Masters season opens on the weekend of April 15th-17th, 2016, in the Motorsport Arena Oschersleben. Tickets are available in advance online at from 20 euros upwards.
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Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, Marco Bonanomi

06.04.2016 - ADAC GT Masters

Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, Marco Bonanomi

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Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky, Marco Bonanomi

Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Xavier Maassen, Lukas Schreier

06.04.2016 - ADAC GT Masters

Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Xavier Maassen, Lukas Schreier

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Aust Motorsport, Audi R8 LMS, Xavier Maassen, Lukas Schreier

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