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07.07.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Record crowd at the Liqui Moly Motorcycle Grand Prix of Germany: 252,826 visitors at the Sachsenring

  • Third attendance record in a row at the German round of MotoGP
  • Motorcycle Grand Prix at the Sachsenring is the biggest individual sporting event in Germany
  • Advance ticket sales for 2025 start at 16:00 on Sunday 7th July

Hohenstein-Ernstthal. The 85th Motorcycle Grand Prix on German soil is once again one for the record books. For the third time in a row, the MotoGP event at the Sachsenring has attracted a record number of spectators. A total of 252,826 visitors flocked to the iconic circuit in Hohenstein-Ernstthal over the course of the three-day event, with the attendance figure exceeding 250,000 for the first time. The only MotoGP round in Germany remains the biggest individual sporting event in Germany.

“We are thrilled with the third crowd record in a row, which shows that the fascination and enthusiasm for motorsport lives on. Quarter of a million visitors peacefully celebrated a real motorsport festival on four days. Our thanks go out to our loyal fans, as well as our volunteer helpers, without whom an event of this magnitude would not be possible. We are already looking forward to the next Grand Prix next summer,” said ADAC Sport President Dr. Gerd Ennser.

Advance ticket sales for the 2025 Liqui Moly Motorcycle Grand Prix of Germany begin at 16:00 on Sunday 7th July. Tickets are available online at and at the ticket office on Goldbachstraße at the Sachsenring. Ticket prices start at just € 39.

Visitors to the Liqui Moly Motorcycle Grand Prix of Germany at the Sachsenring
Friday 5th July: 62,681
Saturday 6th July: 92,130
Sunday 7th July: 98,015
Total: 252,826
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Vor 252.826 Zuschauern lieferten die Zweirad-Spezialisten eine atemberaubende Show

07.07.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Vor 252.826 Zuschauern lieferten die Zweirad-Spezialisten eine atemberaubende Show

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Vor 252.826 Zuschauern lieferten die Zweirad-Spezialisten eine atemberaubende Show

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