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27.06.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Stefan Bradl: “I will enjoy the Motorcycle Grand Prix at the Sachsenring more than ever”

  • Honda test rider given wildcard to race in MotoGP again in 2024
  • Fond memories of battle with nine-time world champion Valentino Rossi
  • Two junior tests with Motorsport Team Germany planned

Munich. Few Germans can claim to have as much MotoGP expertise as Stefan Bradl. When the lights go out to mark the start of the 85th Motorcycle Grand Prix on German soil at 14:00 on 7th July, the official Honda test rider and TV expert will once again be in the thick of the action, rather than watching from the sideline. In an interview, the 34-year-old from Zahling waxes lyrical about the atmosphere at the Sachsenring, recalls his favourite memory of the Liqui Moly Motorcycle Grand Prix of Germany, and looks back at the 2024 MotoGP season so far.

You have finished runner-up at the Sachsenring on two occasions, and led in the early stages of the 2014 race. What is your personal Sachsenring highlight?
I finished on the podium in the 125cc class and in Moto2. However, my personal highlight is the MotoGP race in 2012. I was battling with Valentino Rossi right down to the finish, and actually came out on top. I came home fifth on that day, after overtaking him on the final lap. That is a cool memory for me.

As the only German rider in the MotoGP class, you can rely on the support of the big crowds. What makes the Sachsenring so appealing?
That atmosphere is really great. Plus, it is a very special situation for me, because I line up with a wildcard and am the only German riding in MotoGP. That is definitely going to be the highlight of the year for me. I just want to enjoy it to the full, and more than ever.

We are already seven Grands Prix into the 2024 MotoGP season. How would you sum up the first third of the season?
There have been a few surprises, such as Maverick Viñales winning in Texas. Pedro Acosta has also been very impressive. However, when you look back at everything, the usual suspects have still risen to the top – like world champion Pecco Bagnaia and last year’s runner-up Jorge Martín. However, Marc Márquez is also lurking in an extremely threatening position. The deal with the Ducati factory team is another good sign for him, and is reflected in the way he feels and acts. Jorge had big hopes of a place on the factory team, so he will be a bit annoyed. The question now is how Ducati deals with this situation. Will there be a few technical updates for Marc? And how will Jorge be handled, given his move to Aprilia?

Márquez will join Bagnaia in the Ducati factory team in 2025. There has been contact between the two of them on the track on several occasions already this year. How likely is it that this rivalry will continue to intensify?
They will respect each other and are professional enough to cope with the situation. I think they will come up against each other on the track more frequently in the future. They already have similar material this year. Next year, in the factory team, that will happen even more often. However, as I said, they are professional enough to view it purely as a sporting rivalry. They will both give it their all.

Rookie Pedro Acosta could become the youngest MotoGP winner ever at the Sachsenring. What do you make of his first season in the pinnacle of motorcycle racing?
It is unbelievable. I followed him at the winter tests in Sepang. Even back then, I thought: wow! The way he positions the bike in the corners, he is really enjoying his riding. And he has taken that into the races. There will obviously be a few setbacks, and it will not get easier for him. The expectations will grow. However, he is an easy-going guy, rides in a carefree manner, and can handle pressure.

A year ago, you announced at the Sachsenring that you would be working with Motorsport Team Germany in the future to support young motorcycle racers. How is that programme progressing?
We have a junior test in Oschersleben in mid-July. Two events are planned for this year. In the past, this has come about through private initiatives – now it is with Motorsport Team Germany. I am pleased with the cooperation. Various riders we have spotted are now racing in different series – mainly in the Northern Talent Cup. They will develop and gain experience there. In terms of time, we are making good progress. The raising of the age limit in the world championship means that the talented youngsters can develop at their own pace.
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Stefan Bradl tritt für Honda bei der MotoGP am Sachsenring an (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

27.06.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Stefan Bradl tritt für Honda bei der MotoGP am Sachsenring an (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

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Stefan Bradl tritt für Honda bei der MotoGP am Sachsenring an (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

Bereits seit 2018 ist Stefan Bradl bei Honda offizieller MotoGP-Testfahrer (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

27.06.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Bereits seit 2018 ist Stefan Bradl bei Honda offizieller MotoGP-Testfahrer (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

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Bereits seit 2018 ist Stefan Bradl bei Honda offizieller MotoGP-Testfahrer (Foto: Gold & Goose / Red Bull Content Pool)

Zuletzt ging Stefan Bradl im Jahr 2022 beim MotoGP-Event am Sachsenring an den Start

27.06.2024 - MotoGP Sachsenring

Zuletzt ging Stefan Bradl im Jahr 2022 beim MotoGP-Event am Sachsenring an den Start

Download 4.28 MB - Auflösung: 4962 x 3308px
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Zuletzt ging Stefan Bradl im Jahr 2022 beim MotoGP-Event am Sachsenring an den Start

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