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08.08.2012 - ADAC Rallye Deutschland

Exemplary Eco Concept for the ADAC Rallye Deutschland

The ADAC Rallye Deutschland (23 to 26 August 2012) is both a challenging motor sport event and a huge public attraction. But there is something else: the German rally in the FIA World Rally Championship, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2012, has always held environmental standards close to its heart and is a leader world-wide.

“Naturally, a rally is an outdoor event. Organisers have a special responsibility for keeping the ecological impact as light as possible. This is all the more true for a major event the size of the ADAC Rallye Deutschland. The issue has always been a priority for ADAC. Our eco concept is very far-reaching, it covers every single aspect of the event and in many respects it exceeds the environmental guidelines defined by the DMSB”, said Clerk of the Course Armin Kohl.

This eco concept applies from the earliest planning stages on. Just like in previous years, ADAC designated a team of volunteer environmental experts for the 2012 rally. They ensure that the ADAC Rallye Deutschland not only meets but in most areas exceeds the environmental guidelines of the German ANS, the Deutsche Motor Sport Bund (DMSB). Working closely to-gether with the competent administrative and environmental authorities, they see to it that every single Special Stage, spectator area or car park complies with environmental requirements. Throughout the authorisation process, the authorities take into account the concerns of eco-logical organisations and conservancies (e.g. the national bird and nature conservancy federa-tions etc.). The panel of experts also monitors strict compliance with the requirements of EU Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitat Fauna Flora) along the rally itinerary.

Another important aspect is spectator management, since the impact of the hundreds of thou-sands of visitors is far greater than that of the rally cars themselves. “Annually, the Rallye Deutschland brings some 200,000 fans into the region. To protect the environment as best as we can, we have a policy of short routes”, said Armin Kohl. Spectators arriving by car will be guided to their destination Special Stages on the most efficient and shortest route by a visitor guidance system. Free shuttle bus services will be operating between certain car parks and spectator areas. In much frequented locations, such as the Baumholder military reserve, wooden stairs and bridges for the spectators will be in place to protect the edges of ditches and embankments against trampling.

Signs posted locally will designate No Go Areas, which the spectators must keep out of for the sake of the environment and their own safety. In all spectator points within the perimeter of the ADAC Rallye Deutschland a closely knit network of trash bins will be set up. This allows the Flag Marshals to quickly and efficiently clear an area and restore it to the status quo ante as soon as the last rally car is through.

Of course, the ADAC eco concept also covers the infrastructure for the teams and competitors. Since the Service Park in Trier and some sections of the rally are in the immediate vicinity of the Mosel river, measures must be taken to protect the soil and ground water. The Rules and Regulations for the ADAC Rallye Deutschland require impermeable sheeting to be used under-neath whenever mechanics work on cars. A specially equipped mobile car wash must be used to wash any car and the teams must separately dispose of critical materials such as used oil and brake fluids. “With measures such as these, the ADAC Rallye Deutschland has continually raised environmental standards over the years. We are proud that other rallies on the WRC circuit have started implementing similar measures of their own”, said Clerk of the Course Armin Kohl.

Another exemplary initiative is the Environmental Emergency Car, which has been standing by at the rally since the 2011 event. This emergency response unit can deal quickly with any envi-ronmental hazard that may occur during the rally – for instance after a rally car crash. It carries materials binding oil and coolants. The crew can even quickly recover and dispose of contami-nated soil.

This year, a special promo will highlight the status of ecology at the ADAC Rallye Deutschland. Before starting into the spectacular “Circus Maximus” Super Special, set in historic downtown Trier, the competitors will perform their warm-up or “recce” in a fleet of electric C-Zeros made available by Citroën. The drivers and co-drivers can reconnoitre the circuit and take their recce notes in absolute silence and without any emissions.

For its manifold environmental efforts at the ADAC Rallye Deutschland, ADAC received the DMSB environmental award in 2005. The jury commended in particular the measures exceed-ing the mandatory standards. Clerk of the Course Armin Kohl: “We have since taken our eco-logical activities further and further and year after year we prove that major motor sport events can be organised and conducted sustainably”.

How spectators can act ecologically at the ADAC Rallye Deutschland

To protect the environment at the ADAC Rallye Deutschland, spectators on site must do their share. By being aware and acting responsibly, every single rally fan can make a difference. Below is a listing of the most important how-to tips for the ADAC Rallye Deutschland:

Follow the spectator guidance system.
It will take you to your destination car park or Special Stage efficiently and along the shortest route.

Use the free shuttle bus services.
On Saturday, 25 August 2012, a service will operate non stop between the P1, P2 and P3 car parks and the “Turm” (tower) spectator point at the “Panzerplatte” Special Stage from 8:30 to 20:30hrs.
Visitors to the Service Park should leave their cars at the “Jägerkaserne” barracks and use the shuttle service running from there on 24 and 25 August 2012, between 18:30 and 21:30hrs).

Stay within the spectator areas and comply with the No Go signs.
By remaining within the designated spectator areas you will help the environment and keep yourself safe during the rally.

Do not generate waste.
Throw your trash into the designated bins or take it back out with you. Tell other fans to do so too.

No smoking or open fires in the woods.
There is a very high risk of forest fires throughout the rally region. Smoking and lighting camp fires in the woods is strictly forbidden.

Camp only on official camp sites.
There are plenty of camp and motor home sites throughout the rally region. There will be no camping outside the designated sites.

Use the sanitary facilities.
To protect ground water and for your own hygiene, some 200 portaloos will be available in central locations within the perimeter of the rally.
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